zaterdag 23 juli 2016


(...) Europa hat Durst, es wird Blut in den Straßen haben. (...)

Seite 131

zaterdag 25 juni 2016

Arthur has woken up!

Willkommen Arthur, Jüngling der Vergangenheit. Du wirst der Beweis sein.

Seite 162

zondag 24 januari 2016

Dream: John the Baptist starts preaching again

'I was in a church, when suddenly a square pulpit rose up from the ground. The pulpit was decorated with gold and the most beautiful ornaments.
John the Baptist climbs the pulpit and starts preaching again.'

In earlier days the preaching of John the Baptist came above, from Heaven. This time, nowadays, the preaching comes from deep down under the Earth.
The Divine Mother spoke words from outer darkness. Now the pulpit is re-established and John the Baptist starts preaching about Her words.

Johannes, 24.01.2016

Raphael Santi (1483 – 1520)